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Say Goodbye to Your Facial Blemishes with Intense Pulsed Light Treatment

Facial Blemishes Renew Aesthetic Medicine and Wellness Intense Pulsed Light Treatment

Intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacials offer gentle skin rejuvenation and a way to say goodbye to skin blemishes. If you desire a radiant, smooth, and evenly toned complexion without red or brown spots, wrinkles, or large pores, IPL is for you.

At the office of Renew Aesthetic Medicine and Wellness, we create an individualized treatment plan for men and women in and around Southborough, Massachusetts. We want you to achieve a bright, even complexion so you can feel your best and get a boost in confidence.

About IPL photofacialsp

In this 30-minute procedure, intense pulses of light applied with a handheld device penetrate deep into your dermis. The IPL machine features filters that adjust the wavelengths of light, so different energy levels are applied to brown spots and red patches. The quick pulses of light energy even out your skin tone by breaking up melanin, which is then absorbed by your body.

IPL causes the collagen and blood vessels beneath your skin to tighten and constrict. The result is reduced redness, wrinkles, and fine lines. You’ll get the best results by committing to a plan that involves 3-6 sessions, depending on your goals and skin condition.

Minimal downtime

IPL causes only mild discomfort during treatment and the after effects are minor too. During the session you’ll feel like rubber bands are snapping against your skin each time the light pulses are applied.

Following a session, you may have some redness and swelling, but it fades shortly afterwards. Because IPL treatments are pretty quick, they’re perfect for those with busy schedules who don’t have time for long recoveries. In fact, you don’t have to take any downtime and can go right back to work after a treatment session. You’re welcome to apply makeup following an IPL photofacial.

Blemish destruction

IPL is ideal for people with mild-to-moderate skin blemishes. Think of blemishes as anything that keeps you from having smooth, evenly toned skin, such as sun spots or age spots, acne scars, freckles, large pores, and wrinkles. IPL can also help fight acne, as the heat of the laser destroys the bacteria responsible for outbreaks. We can evaluate your skin issues to determine if IPL photofacials will help.

Results happen naturally

Because IPL stimulates collagen remodeling and regeneration, you’ll see the best results in a few weeks following the treatment. But there are immediate effects, too, and in the first days following an IPL treatment, you’ll enjoy a more radiant looking complexion.

IPL is different than a laser

Laser resurfacing is somewhat similar to IPL, but IPL is more gentle and doesn’t damage your outer layer of skin. IPL energy is scattered and not focused like the energy of a laser. Laser treatments actually remove a very fine layer of your skin, while IPL treatments target areas of discoloration and dissolve them. As a result, you heal faster with IPL treatments and are at less risk of complications.

For more about how our team at Renew Aesthetic Medicine and Wellness can help you erase blemishes, large pores, and lines and wrinkles with IPL photofacial treatments, call the office or book an appointment using this website.

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